Biblio 1.57 for SMS available

The list of all Master System games released outside Japan is available today. This 1.57 version adds several artwork/insert scans and increase the Priceminister linking. You also have noticed the new rarity table in the sms section. I hope it will help you to collect better. If you have any trouble, contact-me.

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Biblio 1.56 for SMS : 4 new variations !

It is a great pleasure to announce the immediate release of the Biblio 1.56, the Sega Master System (sms) game list. 4 new variations for a total of 778 games to collect : Spy vs Spy, Super Monaco GP, Taz Mania and Teddy Boy. I have also added several links to insert scans (provided by and improved the Priceminister integration.

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Biblio SMS 1.55 released and return of Carmen Sandiego

The new version of the Master System full set is available today, and a big mistake has been fixed : Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego is back ! This game was only released in USA and Brazil, I have forgot it in the previous versions of biblio. So here is the 306th Master System game of my list. A rare game too !

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